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Celebrate Camp Marshall Organizational Meeting

Grace and Joy to you !

Bishop Brookhart Chapel

As I hope you know, this year Camp Marshall will be celebrating our 75th Anniversary during Alumni Camp. Also, the Alumni have been tasked with organizing the weekend and special celebration.

To this end, we will be holding a first organizational zoom meeting on Thursday April 28th at 6:00 p.m. I hope a core group can attend and help identify our priorities for the weekend and what we need to do to get there. Dave Campbell and I have created an sample itinerary for discussion. We will also do some brainstorming about our next steps regarding program, logistics, and “advertising”. To receive a zoom link. to the meeting email

Tom Carlson, Camp Marshall Commission President: Click Here,

In other good news, the diocese has received gifts which should make Camp affordable to all. While most camp scholarships must be obtained thru a parish, scholarships for the Alumni weekend are open to any Alum, for whatever amount is needed, upon asking. Additionally, we expect the special event meal will only ask a free will offering.

Please join us for the zoom and help make this year’s Alumni Camp a memorable experience of fellowship, edification, and fun.

In Christ,

Tom Carlson

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